Track your Airplay with Spinitron!
Spinitron caters to college, community and educational stations where the DJs spin the tunes according to independent aesthetic policies. Thousands of these stations across the country provide the alternative to the narrowly-defined music repertoire that commercial stations are forced to present.
Apart from serving their listeners and pursuing their educational objectives, these non-commercial stations also play a role in the music business. They play the music that won’t be heard on commercial radio to an audience that’s receptive to music they haven’t heard before. Labels and promoters know that non-commercial radio is a great way to introduce acts and new releases to people likely to have an active interest in music.
With the entry-level cost of music production now so low, the challenge for artists and labels in The Long Tail of the music business is to be heard. Non-commercial stations connect listeners to this vast body of available music.
Each station has its individual approach to programming, music and style that determines its character (or brand, effectively) as perceived by listeners. The stations are like curators of art galleries or editors of magazines – in keeping with the station character, they select the music they feel listeners should hear.
Without non-commercial radio, the musical diversity and depth in our culture would be much diminished.
By logging playlists and publishing them online, Spinitron enhances the complex network of relationships between listeners, DJs, radio stations, music, musicians, labels etc. With an instantly accessible document of what’s been played on the radio, a listener more easily pursues interest in what’s been heard on the radio, learning about it online, connecting through a web of associations to a vast magnificent ocean of music.
Spinitron lubricates the flow of music between minds.
List of Stations that Use Spinitron!
EDITORS NOTE: Just the list of radio stations that report to Spinitron is an extremely valuable resource. By tracking your airplay or the airplay of artists that create music like you, you can zero in on stations that like and play music like yours. Creating a more targeted radio promotion!
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