Studio Quick Tip – Table Pads!?
Studio Quick Tip!
So you have a studio and you want to record a live band complete with Drums, Guitar and Bass. One of the problems you will encounter is finding ways to create shielding between the instruments. When it comes to drums, besides a dedicated drum booth, most commercial drum shields work great. But with Guitar Amps there can be a very inexpensive solution that works as good if not better than what is available commercially.
Start hunting the garage sales, Antique stores and auctions for “Table Pads” you know those folding pads your Grandmother use to use to put on hardwood tables to protect the finish from heat and stains. They make great shields for guitar amps, bass amps, even for bass drums. Not only are they good for the studio, but for Live music, it’s a great way to control a guitar amp when you are mic’ing it through the PA system.
Just place the pads in such a way to cover the front and sides of the amp .. this will help create some shielding to keep the guitar amp from becoming too intrusive. To take it a step further you can create a “Box” by placing pads on top as well, which gives you even more shielding. Considering you can get these most times for under $5-$10 a set, you will find that the more you have the more ways you will find to use them.
If you have a great Studio Quick Tip, Send it to us and we may use it in future “Studio Quick Tips” ..
Richard L’Hommedieu

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