RMR Blues Reporting Stations
The RMR (Roots Music Report) are probably the most important chart for the independent musician. They track radio airplay for a wide variety of genres. The list of reporting radio stations that we are providing to you today is for the genre of Blues. The information we are providing is the results of years of research and effort by a prominent Blues Radio promoter that has granted “Making a Scene” exclusive permission to publish his personal list. This is a rare opportunity to for a blues artist on a budget that wants to do a DIY Radio promotion. The list is more extensive than what is provided on the RMR site, and it is in no way designed to replace registering on RMR for access to their list of stations. If you are a band in another genre of music please register with RMR for a small monthly fee for an account. The information you can get from the RMR list is invaluable. This is what the professional radio promoters do to get their artists on the charts. You should also make it a point to read Rick Lushers Article on DIY RADIO PROMOTION .. It is invaluable for any indie artist looking for airplay.
This list is current as of June 2014. Stations and DJ’s are added and dropped all the time.
To remain current sign up for a small fee at https://www.rootsmusicreport.com/users/account
If you are a Blues Radio Show , and wish to report to the RMR Blues Charts, register here. . https://www.rootsmusicreport.com/users/register/radio (No Charge) Also remember RMR reports many genres, so if you know a DJ that spins your Genre, Tell them to register and report to RMR it helps everyone if they do!! RMR will accept AM, FM and Internet based radio shows. If you have a radio show that plays blues, rock, folk or any genre that can showcase indpendent artists and you are not reporting .. well shame on you ..support your local music scene and report your plays!!
Radio stations and DJ’s reporting to RMR Blues Charts comprise only a small portion of the total stations playing Blues. The more stations we can get to report to the charts the more they will reflect what is really happening in Blues, or any other genre for that matter.
The Non Reporting stations and shows are not as important as those that do report, so Encourage your local DJ to report!
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