Rhetta’s 10 Indie Blues Performers Not to Miss in 2017

There are so many great blues-based artists working hard to give you a great musical experience! And while music is a very subjective matter, here are my picks for acts not to miss. Some tour more than others, so there is no guarantee the will in 2017. But they are all performers I really enjoyed live in the last year, and I have included quotes from my reviews to explain why I chose this 10. (For the record, there were many more.)
“The Jeff Jensen Band consists of Jeff on guitar and vocals, Bill Euffino on bass and backing vocals, and David Green on drums. All three are dynamic performers and together they fit so perfectly that they create the best group on stage I have ever seen. Jeff, with his excellent original material and a few astounding covers, crazy guitar and vocal skills, and some of the best hair in blues, would be a tremendous showman all by himself, but with Bill playing tremendous bass and moving onstage with Jeff in such perfect choreography that I whispered (well, yelled) to my husband that someone should make a Bill and Jeff anime of them,and David providing the best beat and an amazing drum solo right before the break, they are just unbeatable.”
The Squirrel Nut Zippers/Jimbo Mathus
“Lead singer/guitarist, banjo player and songwriter Mathus, along with sultry vocalist Ingrid Lucia, fiddler Dr. Sick, drummer Kevin O’Donnell, bassist Tamara Nicolai, who is well-loved in Atlanta, and a couple of hot horn players took the whole place back to the days of speakeasies and hot jazz with ease. Mathus kept up an easy and entertaining patter between songs and the show featured every member of the band, not an easy task with a band this size but The Squirrel Nut Zippers pulled it off with aplomb. Old fans and new were mesmerized and the show, which lasted a little less than two hours counting the encore, felt like about 15 minutes had passed it was so much fun.”
“It was clear from the start that they were there to have fun and make great music, and so they did! And all of the listeners were simply swept up in the experience in the best possible way. It was one of those nights when you realize you are just sitting there with this huge grin on your face and no thought for what came before or may come after, just the moment and the music.”
“Led by guitar wizard Ric Latina and the effervescent ever-moving Markey, this band also features pros on bass, drums and keyboards who have played with a variety of famous people including Tammy Wynette and Quiet Riot among them. Their show is high-energy and just watching Markey can leave you exhausted but happy.”
“Eliza Neals is like a small dynamo on the stage…
[Eliza] is a great singer, and her show is a lot of fun. She’s a friendly, approachable soul, too and she has a great partner in Howard Glaser, who i a legend himself as a guitar player. Atlanta audiences have long loved Daryl Lee and Charlie Korch, so it was a special treat to see them with her. They form a tight band,who, as the name Narcotics implies, deliver just the medicine you need musically. and make you feel good!”
*Editors Note: The John Pagano Band won 3 Independent Blues Awards (Best New Artists, Best New Artists CD and Best Music Video)
“John has loosened up on stage a lot in the five years that I have been reviewing him with and without a band. He is engaging and really seems to enjoy interacting with his kinetic bass player, Tony Hossri,who is a blast to watch because he is literally constantly moving, and the absolutely spot-on drummer, Shiloh Bloodworth, who has one of the best names of all the musicians around town.”
“it’s possible Darwin’s has never had a relaxed Buddhist blues player who talks about Dharma and Jesus in between songs or who “
different and I wish more people had come out, because it’s good to experience music you don’t expect and you may just find you really enjoy it, as most of the people at Darwin’s last night did. A couple said, “That wasn’t what I expected,” in a bemused sort of way. I thought, “Isn’t that a good thing?”
“Davis is … open and friendly and warm, and of course that comes across on stage as well, making the audience feel like close friends just gathered together to enjoy some great music. Voo and his fantastic band provided a solid show, full of jams and jazzy blues and including my favorite song, of his, “Riverside Blues.” Together they made as joyful a sound as guitars, sax, keyboards and drums can make!”
“Bobby Messano is my friend. I’ve known him around seven years now, have reviewed him many times, both his recordings and performances. Despite all of this, or maybe because of it, I am always so excited when Bobby comes to town! Messano has been in the music business or over 40 years. He has performed with Stevie Winwood, and many others and has tons of stories to share.”
“He is one of the most engaging blues musicians you will ever hear…Mudcat can make any space feel like you are sitting around a fire or a pot-bellied stove in someone;s living room,listening to him and his very talented friends make music and have fun. “
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