R.B. stone Some Call It Freedom (Some Call It The Blues)
R.B. Stone is back with his 3rd blues-based release, a follow-up to his successful “loosen Up.” It’s a non-stop, entertaining recording from the first notes of “Hill Country Stomp,” to the last notes of the ending jam, “Sstandin’ on Top of she World.” R.B. handles vocals, harmonica and guitar, including cigar boxguitar on a couple of track.with Terrance Houston on drums, Randy Coleman and Josh Fairman on bass, and Larry Van Loon on keys. The band is joined by a couple of very special guests on two numbers. Tim “Too Slim” Langford plays slide guitar on “Weapons of Mass Persuasion” and Austin Young adds guitar to “Standin’ On Top of the World.”
“Hill Country Stomp” is a lot of fun with it’s rapid-fire homage to the Mississippi Hill Country Musicians like T-Model Ford and Kenny Brown. It is followed by the title track, “Some Call It Freedom (Some Call It The Blues.) ” This takes the philosophy of looking on the bright side to the extreme
“Mind Your Bizness” offers good advice with a New Orleans flair and some tasty piano rom Van Loon. Then Stone brings out ohn Nickles’ cigar box guitar for an instrumental called “Nickajack” that adds mountain music from Appalachhia to the Hill Country sound for something really special.
Stone gives us his own musical autobiography in boogie-woogie form with “Won’t Stop Rockin.” “Weapons of Mass Persuasion” is about one of the blues’ favoirte subjects, a woman who is out to cause trouble and is the vehicle for a great bit of dialogue as Stone warns Too Slim away from the lady and Slim wails “But I’m a married man!”
This is a CD to put on and just let rip. It’s no-hodls-barred blues and blues rock and you are going to have a good time with it. Chalk up another hit for R.B. Stone!
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