NuffyoStuff Andy Lindquist
Andy Lindquist
If you like your southern rock done Skynyrd style, or you’re partial to some classic “Free”, or Vintage “Whitesnake”, Well have I got a treat in store for you.
NuffyoStuff sounds the the title of the latest album offering from some aspiring rap artist. Now knowing Andy’s huge pool of creativity I’ve no doubt that might happen somewhere down the line in the future. So don’t let the title fool you, because NuffyoStuff is a collection powerful hard driving blues rock, with more than a little southern Skynyrd influences thrown in. Tracks such as the title track and “Knife To A Gunfight” demonstrates the gifted pen that flows from the hand of Andy Lindquist. Then songs like “All This In Between,”Long Cool Woman”, and “The Southern Groove”, wouldn’t be out of place on any of the classic “Skynyrd”albums.
By this stage I think you get the idea, this album rocks. So if you like your rock to really “roll”and throw in a little southern boogie, look no further. “NuffyoStuff “by Andy Lindquist is sure to satisfy!
Gerry Casey
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