Making a Scene Reviews The Indie Spotify Bible
Making a Scene Presents a Review of the Indie Spotify Bible!
There is not doubt that Spotify has become a major influence in the music industry. For the Indie Artist, this has been a double edge sword, while streaming has taken a large chunk out their revenue of recorded music, it has also opened up opportunities to expand their fanbase. Let’s face it, this technology is not going away! You can either bitch and moan about it or you can adjust to this new reality and find a way to use it to your advantage. Unfortunately many indie artist don’t know how access to the contacts needed to market their music to Spotify playlists and worst yet, they have little to no understanding on how Spotify works or how to begin the process of incorporating Spotify in their marketing plan (yes, you do need a plan).
Big Meteor Publishing has, for the last 20 years, been publishing guides for the indie artists such as The Indie Bible, The Indie Venue Bible and The International Booking Agents Directory. All of which, have been recognized by the industry as being fully vetted and a valuable resource to the both the industry professional and the indie artist. In response to this new shift in the industry, Big Meteor Publishing has created this new guide specifically to help the indie artist understand and market to those elusive Spotify Playlists.
The Indie Spotify Bible itself is a 1,098 page pdf file that contains over 3,000 listings of popular Spotify playlist curators that are categorized by genre. Each of the listings contains a wealth of valuable information such as the name of the playlist, the curators name, genres they showcase, how many followers they have, how many songs are on the list, links to the curators social media pages, contact information, submission guidelines, comments about the lists and more. The wealth of information provided on each listing is everything you would need to effectively approach these curators and present your music to them.
Sprinkled throughout the listings are tips on how to use Spotify and these listings as well as chapters on how to use the guide effectively and how to signup for your free “Spotify for the Artist” account. Something that is essential if you plan on creating a marketing plan to get your music on Spotify. In addition to the Spotify listings, they have included official curator listings and information on how you can get your music on Deezer!
The Independent Artists Guide to Spotify
As we mentioned earlier, one of the issues facing the indie artist, is the lack of understanding on how this new technology works and how they can use it effectively. I can’t tell you how many times I have interviewed artists and realized they have little to no understanding on how the streaming world operates, let alone how they can use it to their advantage. Big Meteor Publishing recognizes the importance of giving the indie artist the tools they need to effectively use the information in their guide and with that in mind, they have included “The Independent Artists Guide to Spotify“.
This Guide is a collection of articles written by industry professionals that run from the basic explanation of what Spotify is to “The Murky Business of Playlist Pitching” and “The Rise of Fake Playlists“! Before you even think of contacting anyone from The Indie Spotify Bible I highly recommend you read ALL the articles in this guide so you not only have a good understanding of Spotify and how it works, but you are also able to recognize the scams and scammers who are bent on using your lack of knowledge to take your money. Once you are armed with the knowledge you will be able to take the resources in The Indie Spotify Bible and create an effective Spotify marketing Plan for your music. I cannot stress enough the importance of learning all you can about this new technology and use that knowledge to create an effective “Plan”.
The rise of the new music consumer that demands this new technology of music delivery has changed the face of the industry. This new reality has hit the indie artist’s ability to create a revenue stream from their recorded music hard. The artists that learns how to use this technology to their advantage and create effect marketing plans that helps them move to alternate income streams, are the ones that are going to rise to the top. The Spotify Bible and the companion “Independent Artists Guide to Spotify” are fantastic resources for the indie artist who is looking to begin this journey. Big Meteor Publishing has once again outdone themselves in creating an effective resource for the indie artist.

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