Making a Scene reaches 100,000 Visitors!!!

On May 1 2014 “Making a Scene” “The Independent Musicians Guide to Music Business” was launched with a few articles and couple of writers. Since that time we have posted over 640 articles and have reached 100,000 visitors!! Our rise was surprising even to us, It was only after 8 months that we hit the 50,000 Visitor mark (according to Jetpack stats) and 6 months later we hit the 100,000 mark. By any evaluation this is an impressive feat for a new Magazine blog!
What is interesting as I look over the stats for the site is almost 30% of the people who come to the site are coming directly to the Main “Home” page. That means they are not coming for any other reason than to see what we have added new to the site. Video’s of the Week, Artists Interviews, Podcasts, CD Reviews, Music Business articles, Studio techniques and SO much more!
Here are the top 20 articles that we have posted over the last 100,000 visitors!
1. Selling the Blues – We never thought that this idea would resonate so completely within the Blues community. It was this article that was posted on Buddy Guy’s Website and has been embraced by those who actually make a living within the Blues Genre. It also started the “Indie Blues Movement”!
2. Build Your own Speaker Stands – With Many Home studios cropping up a good understanding of proper speaker placement, as well as what they are on, is essential. Learn how to use everyday items from the hardware store to build a great tuned set of Stands.
3. Merchandising your Band! – Looking to fill your merch table with items. Want to know what is working and what is not? Better yet do you want to know what companies will give you a good value on items. Also learn why your CD is the LEAST profitable item on your merch table.
4. A Brief History of the Blues – An insightful look at the history of the blues and how it has changed over the years. Included in this comprehensive look at the roots of all popular music, is an over 4 hour audio file where you can listen to the progression of blues over the last 100 years!
5. Getting Sued for $10 Million Dollars for being in a Pink Tribute Band – Really what more can I say, this is an interview/article you have to read. If you are a cover band, tribute band, etc … you have to read this. I will give you a hint .. The DRUMMER did it!! ..
6. Is ASCAP hurting Live Music Venues! – as ASCAP and the other P.R.O’s go after clubs for monies on the pretense of protecting the writers of music. Are the proper people getting their portion of the money that is being collected? Is the aggressive tatics being used causing us to lose “LIVE” music venues?
7. State of the Blues – John Taffer of Bar Rescue stated that Blues is not the music you want for a successful Bar. We look at the current state of the Blues to see why he would make such a statement!
8. Battle of the Blues Hall of Fames – We examine the differences between the Blues Foundations, a 501c3 non for profit “Blues Hall of Fame” in Memphis and the online “Blues Hall of Fame” which will induct anyone that wants to be in their blues hall of fame.
9. The Indie Bible – An in depth Review – We take a serious in Depth look at the Indie Bible and we give you the information you need to decide if it is for you!
10. Randall Bramblett – Mysteriously Inspired – Oddly enough this article is only a few days old as of this writing and it rose quickly into our all time TOP 10! We welcome Bruce Yandle as one of our New Writers .. not a bad way to debut as a writer!
11. DIY Radio Promotion – Have you ever wondered how to do a radio promotion? Better yet, have you ever wondered WHY you would do a radio promotion? Well both those questions are answered as well as many others in this informative article written by Radio Promoter Rick Lusher. This is a must read for any artist looking to move to the national stage.
12. INDIE blues Vol 1 – Making a Scene teamed up with Reverbnation to put together the FIRST Indie Blues compilation! You get a chance to meet some of the artists that are touring the blues scene today AND are creating New Original Music. This is a GREAT listen as well as a great way to get introduced to some new artists!
13. Exclusive Interview with Brooklyn Allman – The Daughter of Gregg Allman, Brooklyn Allman has forged her own career in Music. Listen to her interview and her music and hear for yourself how the apple has not fallen far from this tree.
14. The INDIE BLUES MOVEMENT – The followup article to “Selling the Blues” the #1 article! See how the original article has effected change within the blues community.
15. An Exclusive Interview with Joe Whitmer – The outgoing CEO of the Blues Foundation talks Candidly with Making a Scene, and the resulting article is now used by the foundation as a training tool as to how to conduct an interview. We are very proud of this one.
16. Creating your own Internet Radio Station – Have you ever wanted to have your own “Internet” radio station? Do you have a music related society and want to showcase your local artists with national touring artists? Well here is a guide on how YOU can create your own station and what you need to do it.
17. Mixing Made Easy Review – we reviewed a great video tutorial on good mixing techniques. Obviously our opinion was well received as it made it into the top 20!
18. Creating your Own Music Video – You use to have to have a big budget and big money backers to put together your own music video. But with today’s hardware and software, you can do it for a fraction of the cost. Learn what you need to do to create your own music video an a very small budget!!
19. Blues Radio Master List – you want a list of all the radio stations in the world that is playing Blues? Well here it is!
20. How one Generation Single handedly was able to Kill the Music Industry – kind of self explanatory, and a great read. Very thought provoking!
Well that rounds out our top 20 over the last 14 months! I can promise you as we go forward we will be upping our game! We will be doing more investigative articles, Music Business articles, CD reviews, and so much more. We are dedicated to bringing you the best REAL information on today’s music business and keeping you up to date as to how it is changing.
Are you a Music Fan? Can you write CD reviews, Live show Reviews, artist interviews? Do you have a passion for your genre and would like to become part of the Making a Scene Team? Then drop us a line by filling out this FORM! Tell us about yourself, what you would like to cover or write about and give us a link to some of your writing. We value passion here! You can make a difference in your music scene by giving it a voice on the fastest growing Music/Music Business site on the net!
Are you A music professional, recording engineer, Promoter, attorney, consultant, Touring artist, etc and always wanted the opportunity to give the musicians the Straight scoop on what is really important? Then drop us a line and tell us about yourself and what your expertise is. We are always looking for professionals to help the music community navigate through this mire we call the “Music Business”!
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