That’s right it was one year ago today that Making a Scene was officially launched .. Here is what we have accomplished up to now!
We have published 486 articles Which equals over 9 posts a week! CD Reviews, Artist Interviews, articles on Music Business, and so much more! I have to thank all our writers, Richard Ludmerer, one of the most prolific writers I have come across! Bob Putignano giving his insight on CD’s old and new. Rhetta who writes for the Examiner and does a fantastic job reviewing CD’s and shows for us. Along with Rick Lusher, Thomas Honeyman, Lucia, LAW and so many more! We would not be as successful without them!
Since we began, we have had over 82,000 Visitors to the site since last May 1st! That is Very impressive and we thank you all for coming to the site and supporting what we are doing!
1. Selling the Blues with almost 8300 VIEWS! This post was also featured on Buddy Guys Webpage! THANK YOU BUDDY!
2. Build your Own Speaker Stands With over 5700 Views people really loved our speaker stands. I have a set in my studio!
3. A Brief History of the Blues This has a mixcloud audio file that takes you through the history of the blues with over 4 HOURS of music
4. Getting Sued for being in a Pink Tribute Band This was quoted as being the most comprehensive and fact filled article on the subject!
5. Merchandising your Band This was a big HIT .. a no nonsense look at the merch table with links to verified companies that you can use to get good merch for your band!
6. The State of the Blues The article that started the conversation that resulted in the “Selling the Blues” article. We look at the current state of the blues. It did strike a common chord in the blues community.
7. Is ASCAP Hurting Live Music Venues In this article we explore the aggressive tactics used by ASCAP and other PRO’s in collecting from live music venues and the inequity of how the monies are payed out.
8. The Battle of the Blues Hall of Fames A straightforward look at the Blues Foundation Blues Hall of Fame and the competing online blues hall of fame. Read it and decide for yourself.
9. The Indie Bible – Indepth Review We take a good look at the INDIE BIBLE and what is included. We also interview the publisher of this musicians resource so you can hear what it is all about right from the source.
10. DIY Radio Promotion – Written by a radio promoter this article gives you a straight from the hip view of radio promotion! Why you should do it, and more important everything you need to know to learn how you can do it on your own!
This is just a small sampling of what we have been able to publish in the past year! Considering what we have been able to accomplish in that year, I am excited about what we can do move forward from here.
Again we are always looking for writers to help us bring the best information we can to the independent musician. So if you are interested in joining the team just drop me an email at
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