Making a Scene has Reached 50,000 Visitors!
“Making a Scene” was Launched on May 1, 2014 and since that date we have had a success that exceeded our expectations! Here are some of the great accomplishments we have had over the last 8 months!
1. We are read in 125 countries around the world!
2. We have published 369 articles! Exclusive Interviews with Touring artists and industry professionals, investigative reports, CD Reviews, Thought provoking editorials, Recording Techinques, Hardware and Software reviews, Music Business DIY and so much more! We are a dedicated to keep you informed about the Independent music business. On average we post at least 46 NEW ARTICLES EVERY MONTH!
3. We have some of the best writers in the industry contributing to our site.
3. We have almost 300 subscribers who keep up to date on posts that are made to the site! This number grows EVERY DAY! If you are not a subscriber add your email in the box on the right! And we will send you an email every time we post a new informative article!
4. We now average over 7,000 visitors a month and 240 visitors a Day! The best part is that those numbers are growing every day!
5. One of our Companion Radio Shows “LIVE From the Midnight Circus” was voted by Blues Matters Magazine as one of the TOP indie BLUES radio shows in the WORLD! Dedicated to Touring INDIE BLUES artists with music and exclusive interviews. (Check out all our associated Podcasts!)
6. Our “Making a Scene – Musicians Worthy Seal of Approval” is recognized as an authority on individuals and companies that provide musicians with honest and professional service for a good value. Each company is investigated and vetted by the Making a Scene Staff.
Our Top 10 Posts
- 1 A Brief History of the Blues.
- 2 Getting Sued for $10 Million over a Pink Tribute Band?!!
- 3 Build your Own Speaker Stands
- 4 Is ASCAP Hurting Live Music Venues?
- 5 The State of the Blues
- 6 Battle of the Blues Hall of Fames
- 7 Merchandising your Band
- 9 DIY Radio Promotion
- 10 Exclusive Interview with Brooklyn Allman
Moving Foward
As we move forward towards our next Goal we are dedicated to bringing the Independent Musician the BEST information we can and provide them with what they need to advance their careers and businesses.
If you would like to advertise with Making a Scene and help us move to a dedicated server you can “CLICK HERE” .. we have great advertising packages to fit ANY Budget! .. With our current traffic you can be assured your ad will be seen by the market you want.
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Interested in contributing to “MAKING A SCENE“? Do you have an expertise you think would be a benefit to other independent musicians? We would LOVE to talk to you … Email us at
Richard L’Hommedieu
Publisher “Making a Scene”
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