LIVE From Midnight Circus The Voice of Indie Blues 1/9/2017

This is The Voice of Indie Blues .. the show that showcases the Independent Blues Artists who is out there keeping the blues alive by creating new original music .. Upholding the true tradition of the blues … they Embrace the Diversity of the Blues .. these are the innovators not the imitators .. these are the INDIE Blues artists!
This week we give you the music of Peter Karp Righteous Hillbillies John Mayall Husky Tones Then we have a special treat .. The Blues Foundation has put out a compilation of the finalists of last years IBC .. featuring Paul DesLauriers Band InnerVision The Sonny Moorman Group Norman JacksonTrey Johnson & Jason Willmon Hector Anchondo Band Bing Futch Dave Muskett Ben Hunter & Joe Seamons After the compilation we continue with more great INDIE BLUES RADIO with GravelRoad Derrick Procell Bobby Rush Biscuit Miller and The Mix The Mojo Preachers Ken Valdez MonkeyJunk Trudy Lynn Benny Turner – Real Blues Popa Chubby Jack Mack and the Heart Attack Horns Mike Zito John Latini The Smoke Wagon Blues Band Thornetta Davis JW-Jones The Joey Gilmore Band Adam Karch Tracy K Mastaler Randy McAllister Ilana Katz Katz Nick Black Jim Koeppel/Dust My Blues Band Albert Castiglia Band Kaz Hawkins Band Lionel Young Band and we end with Frank Latorre aka Frank Kingbee‘s Moonlit walk
Celebrating the Diversity and Power of the Music created by artists that acknowledge their roots are in the Blues!
INDIE Blues – Currently Touring Musicians who recognize they are influenced by The Blues artists that came before them and in the time honored tradition of The Blues, are creating New Original Music that reflects their reality. The music they create communicates with the listener with truth, integrity and touches them on a deep emotional level.
The principles of INDIE BLUES have Always been part of Blues!
Want to know more about INDIE BLUES? Read “Selling the Blues” and “The Indie Blues Movement“
ATTENTION IBC BANDS .. Increase your profile and advertise on “Making a Scene” .. The fastest growing independent music magazine on the web. We have had over 220,000 visitors and our newsletter has over 8,500 subscribers!
Our Blues content is the best anywhere on the web with Interviews, Podcasts and CD REVIEWs .. Our music business articles bring you REAL information to help you get to the next level .. And now you can be a part of this high profile publication for 50% off our normal rates (use coupon code IBC2017)!
In addition We will donate 20% of all AD sales and 50% of all our merchandise profits to The Blues Foundation’s Generation Blues!
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