LIVE from the Midnight Circus Featuring Benny Turner

This IS The Voice of Indie Blues the show that brings you the Future of the Blues being made by artists who Embrace the Diversity of the Blues .. These are the Innovators no the imitators These artists ARE the Indie Blues Artists!
This week we start off with music from John Pagano Band – JPBlues The McKee Brothers Rob Lutes Carrie and The Cats Likho Duo Scott RammingerThe Trevor Sewell Band An Indie Blues Double Shot from Mindi Abair And The Boneshakers Nina Massara Bobby Rush Hamilton Loomis — Official Artist Page and then we have an indie blues double shot and interview with our featured artist today Benny Turner – Real Blues as we talk about his music and his brother the legendary Freddie King! After the interview we give you another 2 pack from Benny Turner‘s CD and then on to more great INDIE BLUES RADIO with Johnny Rawls John Pagano Band – JPBlues The Broadcast Scottie Miller Band Joel DaSilva An Indie Blues Double Shot from Johnny Oskam Cash Box Kings An Indie Blues Double Shot from Cassie Keenum & Rick Randlett John Pagano Band – JPBlues Lew Jetton Altered Five Blues Band Scott Ellison Band
Honoring the Past, Praising the Present, Empowering the Future
Celebrating the Diversity and Power of the Music created by artists that acknowledge their roots are in the Blues!
INDIE Blues – Currently Touring Musicians who recognize they are influenced by The Blues artists that came before them and in the time honored tradition of The Blues, are creating New Original Music that reflects their reality. The music they create communicates with the listener with truth, integrity and touches them on a deep emotional level.
The principles of INDIE BLUES have Always been part of Blues!
Want to know more about INDIE BLUES? Read “Selling the Blues” and “The Indie Blues Movement“
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