Eliza Neals Black Crow Moan
Eliza Neals
Black Crow Moan
Eliza Neals has produced an album of soul stirring blues and rock n’ roll. You know that your in for a treat from the opening track “Don’t Judge The Blues” when it blast’s off with the meanest slide guitar that you are ever likely to hear, add in some hand clapping and you’ve got the party started.
Make no mistake this is a feel good album, and boy do we need to feel good right now.
Eliza is my kinda person someone who has worked hard to get to where she is.Has total belief in what she is doing and knows where she wants to go. But there is a funny side to Eliza as you can hear on the excellent” Why a You Ooglin Me” the lyrics show that Eliza is all woman. But again that slide guitar done Joe Walsh style wow I’m in heaven.
There are also some very tasty collaborations on this album with the bluesy funk of “The Devil Don’t Love You with the helping hand of Joe Louis Walker Jr.
But for me the stand out track on this fine album is “Watch Me Fly” every time I listen to this beautiful song I end up in tears. It’s about following your dreams even when other don’t give you a chance never give up, because one day they will Watch you Fly.
“River Is Rising”is just another example of a woman with so much passion and soul in her voice, you can feel it in every word she sings. “Black Crow Moan”is an other collaboration with Joe Louis Walker tradition blues at its very best.
“Ball And Chain” is another moody magical blues classic with a little help from Derek St Holmes. Better known for his work with rocker Ted Nugent.
The Album finishes of with a real rocker, once again with her tongue firmly in her cheek she asks the guys . “Hey Get Your Pants Off.”Apparently at one of her live shows when she was trying the song out that’s exactly what the guys at the show did. That was it for Eliza, it had to be included on the new album. So to sum it all up if you want music with so much passion an soul it would spread all over the world, add a little fun and a voice just made for raising the roof.
You know what to do,get your copy of “Black Crow Moan” and let the good times roll.
Gerry Casey
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