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Rick Bowen

Rick J Bowen: drummer, vocalist, songwriter, instructor and journalist. Rick grew up in Kalamazoo, Michigan playing in school band, choir and show bands. While earning a BA at Western Michigan University in History and Social Science, he was able to spend two years in the rhythm section of Gold Company, a top college jazz vocal ensemble and was a member of the Bronco marching band. He was also active in Community Theater, performing on stage and in the orchestra. Moving to the Northwest in 1994, Rick soon landed gigs and sessions with many diverse local artists and is currently a member of the award winning Stacy Jones Band. He is also an associate producer, session musician and publicist for Critical Sun Recordings, serves on the executive board as Vice President the Washington Blues Society and The Everett High School Seagull Band Bosters as well as Everett High drum line coach. Rick is a contributing writer at Innocent Words, Seattle Examiner, No Depression, Seattle Music Insider, Northwest Music Scene, Making a Scene and the Washington Blues Society. Recipiant of the Washington Blues Society “Best Of the Blues,’ Award for “Blues Writer,’ 2013,14,15 and 16. Recipiant of the Washington Blues Society “Besto of the Blues Chris Leigthon Blues Drummer Award 2014 and 2015. Contributing songwriter on the 2016 Best of ther Blues award winning album Whiskey Wine & Water from Stacy Jones. Rick is endorsed by and plays THUMPER CUSTOM DRUMS.

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