Bobby Messano at Darwin’s in Sandy Springs GA, August 11

Seeing Bobby Messano at Darwin’s is like seeing an old friend. In fact, my husband and I are old friends of Bobby’s so I am far from unbiased. But I think everyone who sees him feels that warmth and connection and walks away feeling they have seen a very talented friend.
Part of it is the storytelling. In a career spanning over 40 years. Bobby has worked with and played with many famous people. Add to that the tumultuous relationships and other drama common to those who live life on the road (“I’ve had about 72 wives,” he jokes to the audience.) and the man has a lot of stories to tell and lots of original songs to sing, as well as a few favorites from others like Stevie Winwood for whom hw played guitar in the 70’s. and Jimi Hendrix who he saw play live at 14 on a bill with Janis Joplin and others for $2.75 (a favorite story.)
Messano is a fantastic guitar player in addition to his bluesy expressive voice, and travels with a talented bassist and drummer. Even though the audience is small this particular night the play with the same energy as they would for standing room only. And the people appreciate itm clapping and yelling their approval as Bobby reaches way back for “Holdin’ Ground” and then offers “Welcome to Deltaville.” and “I Ain’t Got Diddley”from more recent years. The”beautiful “Why Water a Dead Rose” and wryly funny”Bad Movie”arealso part o the show from this year’s hit album Bad Movie. These the brilliant covers and the stories and insights into the music business made sure everyone got their money’s worth.
Go to see Bobby Messano. He’s a great talent and a great friend.

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