Beano Mojohand
Beano Mojohand
Beano Mojohand
How do I find the words to start this review, normally I’m not a person lost for them
Ok ok,for those of you who know me,you have had your laugh.
Seriously though the quality of this debut album is simply amazing. “Beano”delivers a level of playing ability, talent and heart that is a joy to behold.
His manager “Juanito Ibarra” agrees with me. When he saw this young man perform for the first time,he realised that something really special was going on.
Juanito career previously had been in the field of sport,where he had guided athletes right to the top in their field.
All of his life Juanito has had a love for the blues.So when Beano came into his life his natural instinct for realising talent and potential struck with him straight away.
Time to get to the music-
The album kicks off in fine style with the Albert King Classic “Born Under A Bad Sign” Over the years, many artists have covered this song . It’s fair to say that this young man had made this song his own.
No mean feat for sure, but the music on this album just keeps coming with passion, energy and power.
“Crazy Woman”is another highlight for me the style reminds of “Johnny Winter”at his rocking blues best!
You get the picture! powerful pulsating blues the kind of music that puts your soul satisfaction into overdrive.
As I said earlier the album kicks off with “Born Under A Bad Sign”. Beano doesn’t shy away from playing the classics. His version of the “Peter Green” classic “Black Magic Woman”also gets the Beano treatment. To be honest It would be unfair of me to single out a particular song. Because they all stand tall, the final song on the album is called “Let’s Have A Natural Ball” l will finish by saying if you want to be entertained by one of the hottest young blues artists around right now. Then look no further because “Beano Mojohand”delivers the goods in full. Check this young man out, I’m going to use a phrase that can be overused so many times. Not in this case.BEANO MOJOHAND !
Gerry Casey
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